UR Extra Senses Leddy Hammock

UR Extra Senses Leddy Hammock

Inspired by lyrics to “Inside” by Sue Riley and Fred Bogert:

You don’t need a “magic 8-ball’ to tell your fortune or interpret your dreams. Just learn to be still and go inside. Trust your highest intuition!

Inside, I find my inner Light.

Inside, I find encouragement and inner strength.

Inside, I find divine guidance.

Inside, I find healing, understanding, comfort and peace.

Responsive Reading for Sunday, July 21

In Genesis, the first Book of the Bible, we read that after having given birth to two sons — Cain and Abel — Adam and Eve had a third son, called Seth (“awakening of spiritual ideals” Metaphysical Bible Dictionary). “To Seth, in turn, a son was born, and he named him Enosh. At that time men began to invoke the LORD by name” (Genesis 4:26).

Inside, I find my inner Light.

Noah (“rest, calm, quiet, peace”) “found favor with the LORD” (Gen. 6:8). God told Abraham (“father of multitudes” [of ideas]), “I will bless you abundantly and make your descendants as countless as the stars of the sky” (Gen. 22:17). God told Isaac, “I will be with you and bless you” (Gen. 26:3).

Inside, I find encouragement and inner strength.

Isaac’s son, Jacob, was looking for answers. He was troubled when he was wandering in the wilderness and stopped to rest. He fell asleep and God told Jacob in a dream: “I will protect you wherever you go . . . . I will never leave you” (Gen. 28:15).

Inside, I find divine guidance.

When Jacob’s son, Joseph, was asked to interpret the dreams of fellow prisoners, he said, “Surely, interpretations come from God” (Gen. 40:8). When Joseph was asked to tell the meanings of Pharaoh’s dreams, he said, “It is not I . . . but God who will give Pharaoh the right answer” (Gen. 41:16).

Inside, I find healing, understanding, comfort and peace.