Sylvia Rieder

Sylvia Rieder

At age 25, Sylvia Rieder took to heart the works of the “sleeping prophet” Edgar Cayce, 20th century psychic and medical clairvoyant, and she has been on a metaphysical search ever since.  Subsequent dramatic life changes were manifested in development of her own intuitive abilities.

Raised in a fundamentalist Indiana church, Sylvia values the exposure to music that she received there.  She always loved to sing and progressed from children’s to junior to adult choir.  At UCC, Sylvia says, “I love singing in the music ministry.  I feel very joyful when I sing.”

During the late 1990s, Sylvia studied St. Germain’s teachings at the I Am Sanctuary in Indianapolis.  From 2004-2011, she taught Ascended Masters Classes that she organized in Indianapolis.

Sylvia’s multi-talented family includes an older sister, known as a great vocalist and musician, who played the piano and other instruments, one brother, a “mechanical genius,” another, a scientist, and her mother was an herbalist.  Art has long been Sylvia’s avocation.  Painting since she was 3, she did her first oil painting at 6.  She earned an art degree at Art Institute of Pittsburgh and studied at the University of Cincinnati.  She is a board member of the Creative Art Guild of Dunedin.  Her artistic focus is painting people and animals in acrylics, pastels, pen and ink and watercolors for which she has earned blue ribbon awards.

A former corporate sales manager for Hilton hotels, Sylvia moved to Florida in 2012.  Her son and daughter came here in their early 20s, and when her granddaughter, now 5, was born, it was she, the “joy of my life” that propelled Sylvia’s move. She became a full time nanny for six months following Savannah’s birth.  The transition of her son, 43, last October marked the sadness of her life.

A reader since before she ever entered school, Sylvia’s interest in reading and writing is reflected in children’s books that she has written and illustrated.  She regularly reads to Savannah and checks out 15 library books every 2 weeks, titles ranging from fiction, mysteries, history, metaphysics and alternative healing,

Although blessed by many interests and talents, family genes have presented many health challenges, but now, Sylvia says, “I am  the healthiest I have been in years.  I do attribute my current good health to knowledge from my studies, a disciplined healthy diet, a judicious use of good supplements and regular exercise, especially water aerobics.”

Of UCC, Sylvia says, “I love the music and Leddy’s lessons of love and non judgment.  She can express our human weaknesses and lead us to question and manage our own  frailties, all in a kind and gentle manner.  People here are warm, loving and cooperative.  UCC is deeper than its social context.  In an atmosphere of unconditional love and lack of judgment, everyone is welcome.”