Make Your Fortune Leddy Hammock

Make Your Fortune Leddy Hammock

Inspired by Chapter One of Spiritual Economics by Eric Butterworth:​

My faith is the key to the Kingdom of the power within me to apply to the laws that transcend human limitation.

​I​ am a spiritual being in the Allness of infinite Mind within me.​

I am a living magnet, constantly drawing to me the things, the people, and the circumstances that are in accord with my thoughts.

My fortune begins with me.

Responsive Reading for Sunday, July 16

"The word of the LORD came to Abram [later renamed Abraham] in a vision:  "Fear not, Abram!  I am your shield; I will make your reward very great" (Gen 15:1).

My faith is the key to the Kingdom of the power within me to apply to the laws that transcend human limitation.

 Jacob had a dream:  "And there was the LORD standing beside him and saying . . . 'the land on which you are lying I will give to you . . . .  Know that I am with you; I will protect you wherever you go and bring you back to this land'" (Gen. 28:13-15).

I am a spiritual being in the Allness of infinite Mind within me.

Leah said, "'What good luck!'​" so she named ​the fourth son Gad [vindicated].  When the next son was born, "Leah said 'What fortune! . . . call me fortunate.'  So she named him Asher [What good fortune!]"  Her husband, Jacob, grew  "increasingly prosperous" (Genesis 30:11-43).

I am a living magnet, constantly drawing to me the things, the people, and the circumstances that are in accord with my thoughts.

"Even while [Joseph​, son of Jacob​,] was in prison, the LORD remained with Joseph . . . the LORD was with him and brought success to all he did . . . .  [When his brothers begged for forgiveness for their earlier mistreatment of him] "Joseph replied, 'God meant it for good'" (Gen 39"23; 50:20).

My fortune begins with me.