Gulf Oil Spill & UCC

Gulf Oil Spill & UCC

leddy-beach2The Gulf Oil Spill happened in April of 2010.

Slightly more than a year after, we found it necessary, as did the UU Church across the street, to return to one Sunday service after having had two services each Sunday for more than 30 years.

A few years ago, our Board of Directors at that time advised that a claim regarding BP Oil be filed with an attorney.

We do not know if there will be any results of that claim or not.  But at this time, we are asking that if anyone here has been a supporter of this ministry for more than five years, and feels that his/her attendance, contributions, were impacted because his or her own finances were impacted, directly or indirectly, by the Gulf Oil Spill, s/he should definitely share the personal account with me or Russ in person, on the phone, or by mail or email asap.